Unit 11: Electric Circuits
1. Electric Current and Current Density
Electric current is the flow of electric charge through a conductor, while current density describes the current flow per unit area.
I = dQ/dt
J = I/A = nqvd
I = current (amperes)
J = current density (A/m²)
n = charge carrier density
vd = drift velocity
Important Concepts:
- Conventional current flows from positive to negative
- Electron flow is opposite to conventional current
- Current is conserved at junctions (Kirchhoff's Current Law)
- Drift velocity is typically very small
2. Resistance and Ohm's Law
Resistance describes how a material opposes the flow of electric current, and Ohm's Law relates voltage, current, and resistance.
V = IR
R = ρL/A
R = resistance (ohms, Ω)
ρ = resistivity
L = length
A = cross-sectional area
Example: A copper wire (ρ = 1.68×10⁻⁸ Ω·m) of length 2m and diameter 0.5mm carries a current of 1.5A. Calculate:
a) Resistance
b) Voltage drop across wire
3. Electric Power and Energy
Electric power is the rate at which energy is transferred in a circuit.
P = IV = I²R = V²/R
Energy = Pt
Power Concepts:
- Power is measured in watts (W)
- Energy is measured in joules (J) or kilowatt-hours (kWh)
- Power is dissipated as heat in resistors
- Maximum power transfer occurs when load resistance equals source resistance
4. Kirchhoff's Laws
Kirchhoff's Laws are fundamental principles for analyzing complex circuits.
KCL: ΣI_in = ΣI_out
KVL: ΣV = 0 (around any closed loop)
Problem-Solving Steps:
- Label currents and voltage drops
- Apply KCL at junctions
- Apply KVL around loops
- Solve system of equations
5. Series and Parallel Circuits
Understanding how components combine in series and parallel is crucial for circuit analysis.
Series Resistance: Rₑq = R₁ + R₂ + R₃ + ...
Parallel Resistance: 1/Rₑq = 1/R₁ + 1/R₂ + 1/R₃ + ...
Example: Calculate the equivalent resistance of:
a) Three 6Ω resistors in series
b) Three 6Ω resistors in parallel
6. RC Circuits
RC circuits contain both resistors and capacitors, exhibiting time-dependent behavior.
Charging: V(t) = V₀(1 - e^(-t/RC))
Discharging: V(t) = V₀e^(-t/RC)
Time constant: τ = RC
RC Circuit Properties:
- Capacitor voltage cannot change instantaneously
- Current changes instantly when switch is closed/opened
- After 5τ, circuit is essentially at steady state
- Energy is stored in capacitor's electric field
7. Ammeters and Voltmeters
Understanding how to properly use measuring devices is essential for circuit analysis.
Measurement Guidelines:
- Ammeters connected in series with circuit element
- Voltmeters connected in parallel across circuit element
- Ideal ammeter has zero resistance
- Ideal voltmeter has infinite resistance
- Real meters affect circuit operation
8. Complex Circuit Analysis
Advanced techniques for analyzing more complicated circuits.
Analysis Methods:
- Mesh analysis
- Node voltage analysis
- Superposition principle
- Thévenin's theorem
- Norton's theorem
Example: Use Thévenin's theorem to find the current through a 5Ω resistor connected across points A and B of a complex network.
9. Practical Applications
Understanding how circuit principles apply to real-world devices and systems.
Common Applications:
- Voltage dividers
- Current dividers
- Filters and signal processing
- Power supplies
- Battery charging circuits
- LED circuits
10. Practice Problems and Review
Problem 1: A circuit contains a 12V battery and three resistors (4Ω, 6Ω, 12Ω) in parallel. Calculate:
a) Equivalent resistance
b) Total current
c) Power dissipated in each resistor
Problem 2: In an RC circuit with R = 100kΩ and C = 47μF:
a) Find the time constant
b) Calculate voltage after one time constant if V₀ = 9V
c) Determine time to reach 90% of final voltage
Review Strategy:
- Master fundamental concepts first
- Practice both qualitative and quantitative problems
- Draw clear circuit diagrams
- Check answers using multiple methods
- Verify units and reasonable values